Das folgende hat eigentlich nichts mit nackten Frauen zu tun, und es ist auch sehr stark auf Facebook gemünzt, doch ich will es euch nicht vorenthalten:
36 Nutzer-Typen
Nico S.
Besonders gut:
Firsty/First hunter
(Civilized) Hater
Moral Highgrounder
Cut N' Protester
Wannabe Mod (mein Favorit!!!)
TrollWie sich die Bilder gleichen!
baer -
Woher kommt eigentlich der Begriff Troll?
Where does the internet jargon "Troll" come from?
The way I see it. If it's a fishing reference, then you can't accuse
someone of "Being a troll" and if it's a mythology reference then
someone isn't really "Trolling" they're just "Being a troll".It seems like it has roots in both, because
- it's like they're waiting under a bridge to pop out and get you
- it's like dropping a line in and waiting for someone to take the bait while moving around a lot.
Also: 1. Der Troll wartet unter der Brücke und dann schießt er plötzlich hervor und erwischt dich.
2. Der Troll wirft einen Kommentar in die Diskussion und wartet darauf, daß jemand darauf eingeht!
Then around early 1992, there came a user named Troll on the old
alt.flame usergroup that was (for lack of a better word) a troll - more
of a proto-troll, as he was on a usergroup dedicated to flaming, so he
fit in. But even by their standards he brought the race-baiting, sexism,
feigned ignorance, extremist political views, etc. to a new high.First post July 8, 1992.
Den Proto-Troll gibt es also schon seit 1992.
He seems to indicate his name comes from being a good insulter, and thus a sort of nasty guy -in other words, a troll.I believe his name popularized a growing concept and made it the meme it is today.
Er kann gut beleidigen und ist deshalb ein häßlicher Kerl.